The detour off Route 22, which of course led to the wrong turn, was to Hellertown. I knew nothing of Hellertown, nor why I was going there. I was just intrigued that all these signs kept popping up letting me know where it was and how far... but not why. So I went the 3 miles down the single road to see what the hell was Hellertown. Just a small town with a BIG yellow sign that screamed CAVE TURN LEFT. So I did. I drove right by the place before I realized it, turned around and still wasn't sure I was there. Only signs for a Gem Shop and Souvenirs. I had to use the restroom so I went in and turned into a sucker and took the tour. It was a cave. With a wedding alter in case you care to get married in the cold. Some bad lighting. And lot's of dumbed down commentary for the kids. Should of saved the $10. But check out that foliage with dinosaurs!!! oooh. love it.
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