The book said the drive would take 5 hours, it took us almost 9. A few misread signs, several u-turns, a stop outside of Chapada Diamantina where the keys went missing, all 8 of us in a VW van without a/c while going 70mph… eventually we found our way to our home for the week, Pousada Flor de Açucena. A tropical hotel built into the side of the mountain where rooms have walls built out of the caves. If you ever make your way to this part of Brazil I highly recommend it!
These photos are from our stop about an hour from Igatu. Outside the window I saw the "bar social" and I thought would be a great picture. Ernesto looking out the other window saw a cloud of butterflies and the next thing you knew we were all out of the van, photographing the town of… maybe 40 people…. our cameras everywhere taking it all in. They were amazing. Very few stopped to smile and pose for the camera but instead allowed us to capture them in life. They let us wander around their home, brought out their pet parrot, fed us mangos from their tree and let us sit in on a billiard game. Can you imagine this happening in NY? I loved the cast of characters almost waiting for our cameras. Today we head to a smaller village then a swim in a caves blue pool. The following day is our 5 hour trek to somewhere (?) for the night, returning the next day. I'll let ya know how that goes afterwards…
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